Posted by Klaus ( on January 21, 2003 at 11:47:15:
In Reply to: Information about original Hiatt Lady darbies posted by Stefan on December 22, 2002 at 21:37:25:
Dear Stefan,
Sometimes on finds such Hiatt small cuffs also
on display in museums, but I do only remember
one museum for sure at the moment.
One question about the size. From the numbers
you gave I suppose you measured the size in inches and then converted to centimetres.
Would you mind measuring the openings again,
but this time directly using millimetres?
It would be a little surprise to me if the
sizes 2" and 1 1/2" were accurate to the mm
because on "normal" Hiatt Darbies I have measured
different sizes within pairs, quite frequently
differences of one mm but sometimes up to 2mm.