Michael, Fred, John, Joe, Gordon, Mark, Joe, and Stan checking
things out upstairs. |
Escape artist Brad Uhl visits John Bushey's table while Elliot
Cutler looks on. |
Tim and Eric stop by Cannon's Great Escapes. Mark and Sheila
seem happy to see the camera. |
Eric Hall tests a Berliner Handcuff. |
John Bushey demonstrates his eggbeater technique to Kevin
Ridgeway. |
Fred Pitella and Bruce Thompson check out the tables. |
Gordon Gluff reveals his secret identity. |
Ian lectures on the art of Lockpicking. |
Stan Willis giving Gordon Gluff the hard sell. |
Joe Lauher of Handcuffs.Org meets Paul Reardon of Reardon's
Restraints. |
Joe Tanner brought lots of nice cuffs to the show - and went
home with all my money. Thanks Joe! |
Margarette inspects Joe Fox for contraband. |
Kevin Johnson proves that he is a card shark. |
Mark demonstrates his his strong box escape. |
Michael Griffin offers table choice for $25. |
Shawn and Chris Ness watch over the X-Treem table. |
Escape artists Thomas Solomon and Mark Cannon compare
notes. |
Escape artist Eric Hall tries out a new jacket for
spring. |
Mark Lyons showing the goods at his
table. |