The First Annual Escape Artist Convention

Watercell Watercell Watercell Watercell Watercell
         Kristen Johnson in the Water Torture Cell

Bedroom Action Michael, Fred, John, Joe, Gordon, Mark, Joe, and Stan checking things out upstairs.
John Bushey's Table Escape artist Brad Uhl visits John Bushey's table while Elliot Cutler looks on.
John Bushey's Table Tim and Eric stop by Cannon's Great Escapes. Mark and Sheila seem happy to see the camera.
Eric tests a Berliner Eric Hall tests a Berliner Handcuff.
Master of the Eggbeater John Bushey demonstrates his eggbeater technique to Kevin Ridgeway.
Fred and Bruce Fred Pitella and Bruce Thompson check out the tables.
Master of the Eggbeater Gordon Gluff reveals his secret identity.
Ian the Man Ian lectures on the art of Lockpicking.
Stan's Table Stan Willis giving Gordon Gluff the hard sell.
Joe Lauher and Paul Reardon Joe Lauher of Handcuffs.Org meets Paul Reardon of Reardon's Restraints.
Joe Tanner Joe Tanner brought lots of nice cuffs to the show - and went home with all my money. Thanks Joe!
Master of the Eggbeater Margarette inspects Joe Fox for contraband.
Kevin Johnson - Card Shark Kevin Johnson proves that he is a card shark.
Stong Box Escape Mark demonstrates his his strong box escape.
Michael Griffin Michael Griffin offers table choice for $25.
Shawn and Chris Shawn and Chris Ness watch over the X-Treem table.
Thomas Solomon and Mark Cannon Escape artists Thomas Solomon and Mark Cannon compare notes.
Eric in Trouble Escape artist Eric Hall tries out a new jacket for spring.
Mark Lyons Mark Lyons showing the goods at his table.



Please address all comments and suggestion in regard to this web site to Joseph W. Lauher at: